"The honour of Islam lies in insulting
kufr and kafirs. One who respects the kafirs dishonours the Muslims... The real purpose of levying
jiziya on them is to humiliate them to such an extent that they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It is intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honour and might of Islam."
Sufi saint Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624), letter #163
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
THE BIG LIE of our times is to deny that Islam is an intrinsically violent, aggressive and murderous ideology.
Our lords and masters repeat their PC denial of this blindingly obvious fact in various forms ('Religion of Peace', or 'tiny minority of extremists'etc), in the belief that like some sort of magical spell, it will become true if recited often enough.
Supporting strands of this web of deceit include claims that Islamic aggression is a recent reaction to the sins of the West (colonialism ), or is caused by poverty (buy them off with more jizya), or is carried out by a tiny minority who misunderstand the peaceful commandments of the Koran, or, in a whopper that would be worthy of Goebbels himself - that Islamic terrorism is actually anti-Islamic, as preached by the hypocrite Jacqui Smith.
Another strand of deceit is the never-ending search for the Holy Grail - the Mythical Moderate Islam which is claimed to be the real authentic version of the Cult of Mohammed. Of course any 'moderate' version of Islam would have to repudiate the violent verses in the Koran, and so commit blasphemy by rejecting the Word of God.
But, as public awareness of Islam grows, these repeated denials and myths parrotted by politicians begin to look increasingly absurd.
Many of us now understand the implacably aggresive nature of Islam and its polarised worldview - the tribal antagonism between Ummah and Kuffar, the territorial antagonism between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb, the overwhelming need to kill or humiliate non-Muslims, the death penalty for those who attempt to leave Islam and the obligation to totally exterminate the Jewish people.
But what else can the politicians say other than repeat the RoP mantra? The alternative would be to admit that on their watch they have allowed, and are continuing to allow, the invasion of millions of Dark-Age savages committed to a vicious totalitarian ideology which demands our death or subjugation.
So as regards telling the truth about Islam, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't! They have a choice of either staying in denial, and thus appearing to an increasingly Islamic-aware electorate to be gullible idiots and bare-faced liars, or else they must admit that they have been so incompetant as to allow a social disaster to take place that can have no outcome other than civil war.
Yes, we've got the traitors skewered! Damned if they do, and damned if they don't! We can discredit the dhimmi politicans by pointing out, whenever they spout their RoP bullshit, how the commands to murder, mutlilate and rape non-Muslims are an essential part of the cult, because the superstitious savages believe the Koran to be the word of God himself, and the rapist, murderer, bandit and pedophile Mohammed to be the 'Perfect Man', whose example is to be followed in all things, including gang-rape.
If we hack at the these main strands of deceit, then whole PC web of lies will eventually unravel and the dhimmi politicians will be utterly discredited. Then maybe we can get an effective government.
DRACONIAN ACTION against counter-jihadist bloggers in Britain is probably imminent.
One has to consider why there is limited or no publicity about Islamic gang-rapes, SJS incidents and other forms of 'street jihad' in the national MSM. If publicity and the press is controlled, which it is, local people in areas which are regularly affected will tend not to realise that there are many similar incidents across the country.
They will feel that the one they do know about, the local incident, is unusual and and consequently, they will not make too much fuss.
They may also think that their feelings about all the Muslim problems and spin-offs affecting them are not shared by many others across the country. They therefore do not react particularly strongly.
Suddenly though, through the blogosphere, they are now realising that they are not unique in their opinions and that many others feel exactly as they do.
When enough people find out that there are thousands, nay maybe millions, who think precisely as they do, then the counter-jihad will gather strength, exponentially, i.e.the more supporters gained, the faster supporters will be gained.
This gathering of support may begin to happen in 2008, and this is perceived by the Government and others as a major threat to their plans. Therefore it is possible that concerted and maybe draconian efforts could be initiated by the Authorities to control the influence of the blogs on public opinion.
What is your opinion of the potential impact of Gert Wilders' soon to be releases film in the UK?
I don't know its contents and probably never will since no UK TV channel would ever show it. Youtube will probably ban it so I would guess it will have no impact whatsoever.
In order to preserve the crumbling credibility of THE BIG LIE , the British government, and probably other dhimmi governments, are working on ways to gag, censor and and shutdown the counter-Jihadist blogosphere.
There is currently a discusion of how to prepare for these attacks on freedom of expression at http://ibloga.blogspot.com/2008/01/najistani-on-why-britain-may-crack-down.html and also at http://commonsenseagainstislam.websanon.com/?p=113.
- Najistani
From http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/7204635.stm
Three Little Pigs 'too offensive'
By Sean Coughlan
BBC News, education
A story based on the Three Little Pigs has been turned down from a government agency's annual awards because the subject matter could offend Muslims.
The digital book, re-telling the classic fairy tale, was rejected by judges who warned that "the use of pigs raises cultural issues".
The awards which rejected the book are run by Becta, the government's educational technology agency.
The judging panel also attacked the book's stereotyping of builders.
The book's creative director, Anne Curtis, said that the idea that including pigs in a story could be interpreted as racism was "like a slap in the face".
If there's one fact about Islam that every non-Muslim should know, it is that the Islamic system of ethics and morality is totally different from all other religions.
Despite all the talk of 'Abrahamic faiths', Islam is utterly alien to the Judeo-Christian heritage.
The moral systems of all major religions, apart from Islam, are centred on the ethic of reciprocity - the Golden Rule 'Do not do to another what would be hurtful to you'.
But there is no Golden Rule in Islam. Reciprocity only applies between 'brothers' (fellow Muslim males) and does not extend to women and non-Muslims.
Instead, the Muslim ethical system is centred on the personality of the Cult leader himself - the sadistic, psychopathic pervert and charlatan Mohammed.
Muslims revere Mohammed as uswa hasana , a model for all time.
Whatever Muhammad did is what Muslims must do. There is no better pattern for life than the example of Muhammad, al-insan al-kamil, the Best of Men, to be emulated by all Muslims.
Mohammed was a murderer, torturer, robber, warlord, mutilator, rapist, liar and pedophile.
So does this help to explain what's happening in the 'enriched' cities of Western Europe?
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